
The Power of Who…

Without the ability to leverage your relationships, you cannot and will not prevail.
Sometimes your relationships are
more important than your mindset.
The right people can help you get your mind right when you need it. 

Welcome back!

And to those of you joining us for the first time, hello there! I am so happy to have you here with me. (As you likely guessed from my exclamation points.).

This is the final installment of an introductory series on goal-getting; how to visualize an end and then hit the ground to make it happen.  If you’ve been with me a while you will note that I use words like deliberate intention and manifesting.  I say things like “Source energy” and “Spirit”, but at no point will you hear me say that you can will things to you without work.  I am a firm believer in the precept that “faith without works is dead.”

It is for this very reason that I have spent the last few weeks explaining the importance of clarity and consistency; personal identity; and how that identity looks on the world; the latter of which I broke down in two parts (click here and here). I believe it is imperative for us to understand all the internal and external elements of creating an abundant life.  I believe that we are supernatural beings having a natural experience, therefore we get our marching order from a Higher Power.  When we are solid in our identity, we become clear about our assignment and can be consistent in our actions. As we progress, we will encounter those who agree to walk with us. Some will temporary and we will serve them.  Others won’t stay long, but will be of service.  Others still will stay with us through many seasons of our lives.

Business consultant, author and public speaker, Bob Beudine, wrote a great book entitled The Power of Who.  The book attests that we already know everyone we need to know.  Now, with social media and other instant forms of access, we are fewer than two or three degrees of separation away from anyone we may need to know, which means that we know someone who knows them or can gain us entry into their circle. In short – you already know everyone you need to know.

I urge anyone who is looking to create a better life for themselves and their family to read the book.  Bob breaks down the different types of connections we have with people, from acquaintances to close friends. He notes that Jesus used a similar structure in his relationships when selecting to work with disciples.  There were those with whom he interacted occasionally (Barnabas), those whom knew of him and spoke well of him (the 200), those who knew him well (the 12) and those in his inner-circle (the 3).

Interestingly, including Jesus there were four people in his inner-circle.  I don’t believe this is a coincidence. In this group Jesus would be the Visionary, John the Builder, Peter the Implementer and James the Analyst. Indeed, you must have all four to outline a plan and see it fulfilled WELL.  There is something about all four perspectives with their varying talents, skills and abilities coming together that makes it effective and swift.

If, upon taking inventory of your life, you notice that you have a particular talent but you aren’t seeing the best fruits, I urge you to look at “the who” factor in your life.

Who are you around?  Is there enough diversity? Are all four groups represented? Are they represented well? Are you surrounded by frustrated, average or mediocre counterparts? Are you expending more energy trying to get everyone up to par than you are getting things done?  Are you missing counterparts altogether; lacking the resources and support you need to “Pass Go and Collect $200”? (If you’re not old enough for that comment, kudos for reading this, but go look up Monopoly then come back).

The point is, without people in your life – without the ability to leverage your relationships for mutual benefit – you cannot and will not prevail.  Your partnerships are as important as your mindset. In fact, I will even go so far as to say that in many cases your partnerships are more important than your mindset because the right people can help you get your head out of your butt when it counts. Choose wisely.

Want to know how to pick the right friends?  I’m glad you asked.  Join us next time, when we’ll be talking about just that very thing.  Ha!

You know I love you.  You love me, too.

Until next time, Mavericks and Mavens.

Live, Love, Laugh, Legacy –

PS  – Where are you on your legacy journey?  Are you finally finding the kind of kindreds that make your mouth water and your toes curl (In a totally spiritual way, of course)? Are you seeing a pattering in your “people picking process”? Is it working for you? Something you need to change?  I’d love to know. Leave me a comment below.

Special thanks to Google and for the featured image.

The Power of Who… Read More »

To Clarity and Consistency… and Beyond!

Knowing yourself isn’t all it takes.  You also have to know what you need.
Having a grade-A team of helpers can be the difference between
a life of struggle and a life of bliss. 

We’ve been talking quite a bit about clarity and consistency these last couple weeks – what they are, why they’re important and what they look like when manifested. Now we move on to how to actually attain a life of clarity and consistency – how to have what you want so that it serves you, serves those you love and serves the world.

In Clarity and Consistency – Part 1, we noted that clarity and consistency are the result of knowing yourself – your true Self, the Self God created you to be.

It’s a bit of an oversimplification but I believe people often fall into one of four distinct archetypes: The Visionary, The Analyst, The Builder and The Implementer. Sure, we embody all these traits at any given time but knowing which is your predominant disposition can be the difference between feeling content or stagnant.

But knowing yourself isn’t all it takes.  Yes, it’s a huge part of the puzzle, but the truth is there’s more.  When you know yourself you also know what you need from those around you. Having a grade-A team of helpers can be the difference between a life of struggle and a life of sublime bliss.

So who are you, and who do you need in your corner? Let’s find out.

The Visionary
Always have a million and one ideas blooming, but can never seem to get them all done? Always thinking about how to meet an unfilled need or create things that don’t exist?  As you’re trying to manifest them, do you often get distracted by something else that seems to be related, which needs to be addressed before you can move on?  You’re a visionary.

Visionaries are often eccentric, eclectic and just plain odd – at least somewhat, and certainly to those who are closest to them.  But it’s because of visionaries that things which were once considered impossible, or science fiction, are now taken for granted.  Think television, WiFi, microwaves, airplanes, trains, cars and telephones.

The Analyst
Is it easy for you to look at something and see what works and what doesn’t? Do people often accuse you of being critical when you’re just trying to be helpful?

The Analyst and the Visionary have a lot in common in that they both see how things could be better.  But, whereas the visionary structure things from scratch, the Analyst is at home re-structures things already in place.  Not only can an Analyst tell you how to fix what isn’t working, but they can also teach you how to use what works to build a brand, expand your reach and create a legacy.

The Builder
Can you see tasks in your mind like some people see pictures? Are bullet points, flow charts and color coded spreadsheets a way of life for you? Do you believe in communicating a plan effectively in order to minimize the need for repetition? Are words like planning, project, program, short-term, outcome, and data-driven decisions part of your standard vocabulary?  Then you’re a builder.

Builders excel as project managers and quality assurance specialists. They create charts and graphs like others breathe.  It’s easy and second-nature, a means of clarifying what needs to happen, when and who’ll be responsible. Builders are the backbone of every operation. If you want to see where a company (or a family) will be in 10 years, talk to the builder.

The Implementer
Do you love puzzles? Is life a puzzle to you? Can you thrive when you have all the details? Is information a helpful resource that lets you thrive rather than a hindrance that boxes you in?  You’re an implementer.

Implementers are often referred to as worker bees, but they should not be confused with robots and drones. It is true that Implementers are the hardworking, hands-on type. But don’t be fooled. Nothing happens without this group.  Visionaries may be the ones most likely to start it, but it’s always the Implementers who finish it. Implementers are the first-faces; the ones who meet and greet your public or enact the family plan. Implementers are loyal, committed and determined – but they won’t take your guff, so be nice.

Though these categorical overviews are abridged (considerably), they can help you gain insight into who you are and therefore whom you need in your inner-circle.  And just how can this help you to create the kind of life you desire and deserve with the people you love? I’m glad you asked.

Join me next time (lol) as I discuss how these different personality types can help and hinder one another. I’ll be discussing the difference between optimal, median and frustrated functionality within your respective personality and how to get the most of your natural inclinations.

Until next time Legacy Leaders,
Akima “Queen” B.

PS – I’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic.  See yourself in any of these personality types? Did something click? Think I’m full of it?  Would love to know.  Leave a comment.

To Clarity and Consistency… and Beyond! Read More »