After the End

After the End

Everything comes to an end eventually.  Whether it is the end of something romantic or platonic, professional or personal, beautiful or tragic; whether it was earth-shatteringly debilitating and sucked the life from you even as it brought sweet relief, was so gut-wrenchingly numbing you still can’t feel anything, or so epically phenomenal that you now know there must be more like it out there and you want to get on your way to it – whatever your version of After the End, I can promise you this: Your life can be better than anything you can think, ask, or imagine... with time.

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About the Book
Author: Akima Aiken Brown
Genres: Belief, Christian Living, Faith, Focus, Self-actulaization, Self-help, Thought-life
Tag: Recommended Books
Publisher: OMM Ink Publishing
Publication Year: 2020
Length: 140 pp
ISBN: 9781651524985
List Price: 12.99
eBook Price: 9.99
Extremely insightful and very inspirational!! Love this!!
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Akima Aiken Brown

Akima Aiken Brown is a screenwriter, public speaker, educator, and author. She enjoys extrapolating complex themes that affect the human experience and juxtaposing them against everyday experiences to see how we can be bigger, better versions of ourselves.

Akima is an outspoken advocate of human rights and social justice. She is location independent but resides mainly on the eastern seaboard of the United States, though California has a special place in her heart.

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