Water Works



Hey there Legacy Lovers,

Still swooning from Valentine’s Day? I know I am.

Contrary to popular belief though, this post is not about the post-coital effects of your V-Day celebrations or water births.

No, instead this will I plan to examine the meaning of life (okay, mainly legacy) by delving into another’s exploits.

Usually, I’ll self-reflect in an effort to make a point, but this time I felt it best to go with a classic. None other than Moses.

Regardless of your spiritual/religious beliefs you likely know Moses to be a prophet of legend heralded with leading the Israelites from Egypt, thus freeing them from the oppressive rule of Pharaoh.

And if I asked you what was Moses’ water miracle, you’d likely tell me how he parted the Red Sea, leading the Isrealites across on dry ground, then closed it back in time to drown Pharaoh’s army as they gave chase.

But here’s the interesting thing… that wasn’t Moses’ first water miracle. Not was it his only water miracle.

When Moses was born, Pharaoh (not the same one who’d chase him years later) ordered every Israelite boy killed at birth. Moses’ mother hid him for a while, but when he became too big she put him in a basket and sailed him down the river.

His sister watched as the princess, Pharaoh’s daughter, lifted him from the basket. She had mercy on him and adopted him as her own.  This was Moses’ first water miracle.

Not only did he survive the river’s currents, but of all the places he could’ve landed, he wound up in the arms of Pharaoh’s own daughter. Had she been any other kind of woman, she would have adhered to her father’s decree and had him killed.  But I believe this young woman saw the miraculous nature of this event and took it upon herself to be part of it.

I believe that was a prelude of things to come. Who’s to say that this babe’s faith didn’t have him commanding water before he could utter words?

It would make sense.  It’s often the things that we take for granted that others understand to be our greatness.  Perhaps this is why in the Tulmah the story of Moses at the Red Sea states that when he lifted his hands nothing happened, but it was a woman – understanding the power of what was being done – stepped into the sea on faith, and it parted.

It isn’t noted in the Bible, but still it rings true. Consider Moses drawing water from rocks, but once but twice. Or tossing a stick into the river to make the water drinkable.

Was it a coincidence that this man performed miracle after miracle with water? Or that it was water that would eventually be his downfall?

Indeed, Moses had done quite a bit with the water. And when the Lord told him the second time to strike the rock, he did… but not before he grumbled. He fussed at the masses and muttered to himself. He used his gift, but begrudgingly.

This is so often the case. Peter was a fisherman – a master fisherman, wholly competent in his craft – yet when his faith (and competence) were tested he was usually in a boat… FISHING.

So often we are tested in the area of our gifting, of our competence; the surface we know so well we take it for granted.

Moses never got to see the Promised Land as a result of his final water incident. He performed the miracle – he did the work – but he broke his promise. His heart wasn’t in it.

You had to know I was coming back to the heart, right?

We are all Moses (and Peter and Paul and John, etc).  We all have the power within us to do something great, something we don’t even recognize as impeccable, phenomenal, incredible and astounding.  We all have that unique something that makes us so “us” that we often overlook it and take it for granted.

But something amazing happens when you check your heart.

Moses had an apprentice, Joshua. Unlike Moses, Joshua went into the Promised Land. Joshua learned a lot from Moses.  He learned the importance of thanking God for his gift and appreciating what he’d been given.  He also learned how to part water – leading the Israelites across the Jordan River on dry ground much like Moses led their predecessors across the Red Sea.

But Joshua often questioned himself. He was so grateful to be leading the tribes of Israel because it seemed too good to be true. God often reminded him to be of “good courage.”

Here’s the thing though, perhaps if Moses had modeled something different for Joshua the young protege would have stood a little taller, a little surer.

Let us take for instance, Elijah and Elisha. When Elijah took Elisha on as his apprentice, he was clear in his expectations and his teachings. Elisha learned everything Elijah knew and even received “a double portion” of Elisha’s power. In other words, when Elijah left this earth (it never says he died) Elisha was left with everything his teacher had and then some!

And before you go thinking I veered off track, Elijah and Elisha were water workers, too.

Elijah foretold of flood rains long before a cloud ever reached the sky. He stood for hours with his head between his legs praying until there was a cloud the size of a fist. Sure enough, the rains came. Not only did it bring an end to a years-long drought, but the land was once again plentiful.

But hold it, remember that Elisha – Elijah’s apprentice – had a double portion of his gift.

When Elisha encountered a town with “bad water” he performed a miracle that not only transformed the waters and made them good for drinking and watering fields, and not only replenished the land, but brought abundance to the surrounding lands in the form of trades and such.

Say what?!

Joshua achieved quite a bit, and though he endured less than his mentor, there’s reason to believe he doubted himself. Elisha on the other hand knew who he was and Whose he was; he understood his position, his power and his purpose because his teacher exemplified that for him.

And isn’t that what we want for ourselves, for our families, our future generations? We’re all water workers in one way or another, with the power to wield our gifts.

The question is: Will you be like Moses or Elijah?

The Family Factor
Tweet this – When you stand firmly, yet humbly, in your gift you not only show others the immeasurable extent of your capacity but you give them a glimpse of their own limitlessness.  And when you prepare those closest to you to do the same, you spark a light that has the power to shine the world over.
Lovingly yours,
Akima Aiken Brown


What are your thoughts? Have you stepped into your water working power? Tell me about it in the comments or share in our new Legacy Builders’ Facebook Group.

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